100 Important Teamcenter Interview Questions

Teamcenter Interview Questions

In our previous articles, we covered different questions related to ITK customization, BMIDE, and Workflow Designer in an Interview. In this article, we are going to see different questions asked based on the specific Teamcenter module in an interview. Go through these questions carefully and try to find the answers to these Teamcenter interview questions.

In this article, we are going to see questions related to Structure Manager, Access Manager, Query Builder, Report Builder, PLM XML import-export module, Multi-site Environment, and some general questions.

Structure Manager

  1. What is a Variant Condition?
  2. How do we create variant conditions?
  3. What is the Revision Rule?
  4. How to create revision rules?
  5. What is the default revision rule of Teamcenter?
  6. How to set the default revision rule?
  7. How to compare two BOMs?
  8. What is an alternate?
  9. What is a substitute?
  10. What is the importance of Find No. in Structure Manager?
  11. What is Occurrence?
  12. What is Revision Effectivity?
  13. What is Date Effectivity?
  14. What is Occurrence Effectivity?
  15. How to create a Precise Assembly?
  16. What is the difference between E-BOM and M-BOM?
  17. What is View Type in Structure Manager?
  18. How to create M-BOM from E-BOM?
  19. How do you display item revision properties as BOMLine properties?
  20. How to export the BOM structure into an Excel file?
  21. How do you create a BOM structure in Teamcenter using Excel?
  22. What is the difference between Precise and Imprecise assemblies?
  23. What is the difference between BOMLine and Occurrence?
  24. What is the difference between Item Revision and BOMLines attibutes?
  25. How Item UOM and BOMline quantity are related with each other
  26. Can we modify precise assembly?
  27. What is a Note type attribute on BOMLine?
  28. What is the difference between PSOccurrence and BOMLine?

Access Manager

  1. What is ACL?
  2. What is Rule Tree in Access Manager?
  3. How rule is applied to the Teamcenter Objects?
  4. How to create a custom ACL?
  5. What is the difference between rule-based protection and object-based protection?
  6. What is the named ACL?

Query Builder

  1. How to create a custom query using query builder?
  2. How to export queries from Query Builder?
  3. How to import a query using Query Builder?
  4. What is the Search Type while creating a query?
  5. What is the User Entry L10N Key?
  6. How to create a query to search Item Revision based on the attribute value available on the Revision master form?
  7. What is the importance of Referenced By while creating a query?
  8. What is the difference between a Local query and a Keyword Search Query?
  9. How to set a default value to query attribute?
  10. How to add frequently used queries to Saved Searches?

Report Builder And PLM XML Import Export

  1. What is Transfer mode?
  2. What is Property Set?
  3. What is a Closure Rule?
  4. What is a filter rule?
  5. How to define the closure rule and property set to get workflow task attributes?
  6. How to create a custom report using query builder?
  7. What is the difference between PLM XML and TCXML?
  8. What is the Process and Traverse action type while creating the closure rule?
  9. What is the difference between attribute and property?
  10. How to define which properties to export while generating PLM XML?

Multi-site Environment

  1. What is the Publish and Unpublish of an object in the multisite environment?
  2. How to configure a multisite environment?
  3. How to publish an object?
  4. How to unpublish an object?
  5. Can we delete a replica object alone?
  6. Can we delete a master object without deleting a replica?
  7. How to know if an object is a master object or a replica?
  8. What is ODS?
  9. What is IDSM?
  10. How to configure ODS and IDSM on the multisite environment?


  1. What is the difference between Where Used and Where Referenced?
  2. What is Teamcenter’s preference?
  3. How the difference between site level and User level preference?
  4. How to create site-level preferences?
  5. How to create User-level preferences?
  6. How to create a custom XML Rendering Stylesheet.
  7. How to register a custom Stylesheet?
  8. How to create a group-based Stylesheet?
  9. What is the difference between revision and version?
  10. What is a sequence in the context of Item Revision?
  11. What happens when you checked-out an object?
  12. Can we modify the released object?
  13. How to know if the object is in the workflow process?
  14. How to change object ownership?
  15. How to enable or disable the visibility of related objects of Item Revision?
  16. Which preference to use to control the visibility of the Teamcenter Module?
  17. How to assign projects to an object?
  18. What is the difference between Privileged and Non-Privileged users?
  19. What is the use of the Authorization module?
  20. What is the use of the Command Suppression module?
  21. How to search object based on UID in the Teamcenter?
  22. How to find UID of an object in Teamcenter?
  23. What is the difference between folder and psuedofolder?
  24. What is the difference between target and reference attachment in the worklist?
  25. Which preference is used to register the custom dll in the Teamcenter?
  26. What is 2 Tier architecture?
  27. What is 4-Tier architecture?
  28. What is the difference between database and volume?
  29. What are the microservices?
  30. What is runtime properties?
  31. How to start and stop the FSC abd FCC?
  32. What is FCC?
  33. What is the difference between TCROOT and TCDATA?
  34. How to delete a released object?
  35. What is the difference between Item and Item Revision?


We hope this article was informative and these Teamcenter interview questions will help you in your interview process. If you have any doubts or are unable to find an answer to any of the above questions then mention it in the comment section or you can reach out to us using the Contact Form.

Happy Learning !!!

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